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To quickly make a repeat order from your order history, simply:
1. Login to your Account.
2. From your account area click on ‘Your order history’ from the Account Links on the left and then select the green ‘View order’ button besides the order you wish to view.
3. When your order is open, scroll to the bottom of the order, follow the prompt to ‘Want to order again?’ and click the green ‘click here’ button.
4. Once in the order you can process the exact same order again or alternatively you can edit the quantities you require using -/+ or remove the product completely from your basket by clicking the green minus symbol that can be found on the right. You can also add any additional products to your basket using the site search, frequent items or quick buy options.
5. Once your basket is as you want it follow the standard steps to order your basket.
If you can't find the answer you are looking for, please contact one of our experts to assist.